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Metrics & SLOs

x-pdb exposes Prometheus metrics on the /metrics path. To enable it, set the serviceMonitor.enabled Helm flag to true.



Name Type Description
pod_eviction_rejected Counter Represents the number of eviction which have been rejected through x-pdb.
pod_matches_multiple_xpdbs Counter A eviction attempt for a pod has been observed which matches multiple XPDBs. This is a invalid configuration and must be fixed.
lock_errors Counter Counter that represents the number of errors when obtaining locks for xpdb.

grpc metrics

x-pdb exposes GRPC metrics for both client and server which allow you to get insights into latency and availability of the remote x-pdb servers.



There should be at least one pod ready to serve traffic at any time, preferably measured from both kube-apiserver and x-pdb on other clusters.



The amount of time x-pdb needs to respond to a admission webhook, preferably measured from the kube-apiserver. It should take less than 150ms for x-pdb to respond to admission requests on the p99. The threshold may vary in your environment, depending on the cross-cluster latency.

    sum(rate(apiserver_admission_webhook_admission_duration_seconds_bucket{name=~".*x-pdb.*"}[5m])) by (le, name)